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art parent guide

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Major Events



Project Ideas

Major Events

Art Parent Orientation Meeting

New Art Parent volunteers and old-timers alike are invited to attend the Art Parent Orientation on Monday, September 26, 8:00 am, in the Burnett Multipurpose Room. We will be discussing basic procedures, the philosophy of our art program, and special events for the year. Art Parents will be receiving information and materials that will help them to plan for art lessons in the classroom and be able to share ideas and experiences with your fellow Art Parents. Also that evening, hear more about the Julia Morgan Center for the Arts program, performances and the Lincoln Center model of study that our students will be working with this fall and spring.

PTA Reflections

Rooftop participates in the PTA Reflections Contest every year. This year, the contest’s theme is “I Wonder Why...”. The criteria for entries is as follows: Must be single pieces of art that are flat, no more than 3/8" thick, 24" x 30" including a mat. Artwork can be a print, drawing, painting, collage, metal etching or fiber work that reflects the theme. It cannot be sculpture, ceramics, jewelry or other 3D work.

If your class would like to participate, we ask that everyone do a piece and that the art parent and teacher choose five to ten pieces from the class to enter. The selected pieces should then be placed on mats and left for Andi Wong in the art supply room by Friday, December 2, clearly labeled with each student's name and classroon teacher. There will be more detailed instructions and entry forms in the art supply room as soon as they arrive. We ask that this be a school project only; no individual pieces of art from home will be submitted.

PTA Reflections application link

Julia Morgan Center for the Arts

Theater: Lunatique Fantastique's "Reframing the Hourglass"
Dance: Crosspulse

Julia Morgan Center for the Arts (JMCA) is the Northern California affiliate of the Lincoln Center Institute model for arts education. As one of eight participating Bay Area schools (one of two in San Francisco), Rooftop's teachers and parents are trained in special workshops, and work together with JMCA’s teaching artists to devise curriculum activities around selected works of art. The model focuses on developing students’ critical thinking skills, while building their artistic vocabulary and experience through classroom activities relating to the works of art being studied.

In fall and spring sessions, in classrooms with fully participating teachers, students will be receiving 8 sessions of instruction in the Lincoln Center model in preparation for the student's engagement with the selected works of art. In the fall, students will study theater and attend performances of Lunatique Fantastique's puppetry production "Reframing the Hourglass". A Spring performance by Crosspulse, featuring diverse styles of dance such as tap dance, clogging, and body music, will be the focus of study. Other classes interested in attending the theater performances at the Julia Morgan Theater in Berkeley will be supported by the Art Program, which will offer pre- and post- engagement art activities based on themes and concepts integral to these works of art.

Winter Workshop

Winter Workshop is a fun Rooftop gift giving tradition which will be offered at both the Mayeda and Burnett Campuses this year. Each child selects a Workshop project and makes a gift for someone special. Parents may volunteer to develop a project prototype and lead a workshop, volunteer to be an assistant or supply refreshments for the Winter Workshop party. Past projects have included such diverse gifts as mosaic boxes, decoupage plates and bowls, handsewn pillows, handmade jewelry, customized aprons, candles, sachet pillows, and topiaries.

Winter Workshop for children Grades 1-5 will be held at the Burnett Campus on Tuesday, November 29, Wednesday, November 30, and Thursday, December 1 from 12:30-1:30 pm. Workshops on the Mayeda Campus for Grades 6-8 will be held on Monday, December 5, Tuesday, December 6, and Wednesday, December 7, from 2:00-3:00 pm as an optional afterschool event.

Join in the tradition and help to bring holiday cheer to our students.

Trim-A-Tree at Davies Symphony Hall

This will be the 13th year that Rooftop has been asked to decorate a tree with our children's art in the Davies Hall Trim-A-Tree display. The trees are showcased at the annual Deck the Hall children's party at Davies Symphony Hall. While the trees are enjoyed by all Symphony patrons who attend regularly-scheduled concerts throughout December, the trees are conceived with children in mind.

Rooftop's tradition has been for every Rooftop student to create an ornament for the tree. This year Rooftop's whimsical tree features one of children's literature's most famous misers — Dr. Seuss's The Grinch. The materials and instructions for this project are in the art room. We ask that each class complete their ornaments by November 18.

Rooftop Auction

The 13th Annual Rooftop Auction, the school's biggest fundraiser and the best party of the year, will be held on March 25 at the Hall of Flowers in Golden Gate Park. Art Parents are responsible for many of the most inspired items available at the Auction, the beautiful projects created by our students. Quilts, mosaics, mirrors, diningware, specially decorated furniture, and framed art have inspired many a bidding frenzy.

Search those ideas books, keep your eyes peeled for garage sales, and find the perfect Auction project for your class. Discuss your ideas at your art meetings. These projects require planning, so please work the auction project into your class art schedule. Please remember that each class can submit only one class project for the live Auction. Any other projects will be entered into the silent Auction. Projects should involve all of the students in the class. No individual children's projects please. Also, remember that the purpose of the Auction is to generate funds for our school. Please ask your class to donate towards the class auction project. Expensive requisition receipts take away from the Auction profits. The Classroom Auction Project form will need to be completed with information about your project to be printed in the Auction catalog.

Live Auction class project forms will be due February 10.

Youth Arts Festival

The San Francisco Youth Arts Festival is a six day event will take place in May. The Festival will include a comprehensive visual art exhibition, music and dance performances, a scholastic art and writing awards program, special art demonstrations and hands-on art activities for kids of all ages.

Rooftop will be submitting student entries for review by the Curatorial Committee. Categories include fine art, design, crafts, photography, computer grpahics, video & film and portfolios. Individual artwork submissions are limited to 1-5 entries per school. Only 10 special projects, collaborative students works, will be considered for curatorial review with a maximum of five accepted per school. All entries should be original student work and reflect individuality in style and content.

All projects to be considered should be left in the Art Room by Monday, February 24 to be photographed for submittal to the Youth Arts Festival judging committee.

The deadline for photo submissions to the Festival offices is February 28.


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