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art parent guide

Basic Procedures

Working with Clay

Major Events



Project Ideas


I. Perception and Response

Students become aware of visual and tactile properties of artworks and other objects in their environment. As they look at art created by themselves and others, including professional artists, they talk about:

  1. Subject matter
  2. Lines, shapes and colors
  3. Patterns of lines, shapes and colors
  4. Expressive characteristics such as gentle and strong

Additional awareness develops through experiences such as:

  1. Block play
  2. Free choice painting, either at an easel or in an art work center
  3. Line, shape, and color hunts
  4. Visualizing pictures in their minds as they listen to songs, poems, music, and stories.

Student use these terms:

blue white straight line
red brown curved shape
yellow black wavy pattern
orange dark zigzag rough
purple light thick smooth
green bright thin strong

II. Art Heritage

Students learn about the many forms of art. They visit an art show or a museum. Through looking at a variety of art, listening and talking, they:

  1. Become familiar with art forms from at least two cultures represented in their classroom.
  2. Learn about Netsuke (Japanese sculpture).
  3. Become acquainted with works by these artists:
    Mary Cassatt George Catlin Hokusai Henri Matisse
    Aguilar Family Henri Rousseau Wayne Thiebaud Ruth Asawa

III. Asthetic Valuing

Students learn that art is a way to tell others about themselves and the world. They reflect on their experiences of looking at and making art, talking about:

  1. Reasons for their personal preferences ("I like..." or "I don't like...because...") of artworks made by themselves and others.
  2. Questions about art (Why do I like to make art? What do I like about art?).

IV. Creative Expression

Students create art based on their imaginations and on places, activities and situations they know. They explore with media and solve artistic problems as they develop basic skills:

Drawing with crayon and pencil
  • draw lines that are thick, thin, curved, straight
  • draw circles, squares, rectangles, triangles
  • make free-form shapes
  • put two or more shapes together in complex shapes
Painting tempera paint; fingerpaint
  • wet paint on dry paper
  • wet paint on wet paper
Color secondary colors (green, orange and purple)
Printmaking found objects (gadget, leaf, sponge, fingers)
Cutting one thickness; on a fold; with lines
Folding even halves, fourths
Tearing simple shapes
Designing repeat designs (single lines and shapes, regular and irregular repetitions)
Construction with construction paper; block play
Puppets paper plate puppets
Modeling with clay or dough; texture; slab technique
Fastening use of paste and glue
Weaving with paper
Showing In classroom, school and district displays

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